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Western Geothermal is preparing two types of investment vehicles. Investment in successful geothermal projects have never been offered at a lower risk or higher potential return. With constantly higher energy prices, less investment into fossil fuel extraction and more assistance and subsidiaries for geothermal, few investments seem as secure and offer higher return than Geothermal Energy Investments.

Seed rounds into Western Geothermal, the holding company

Western Geothermal as a holding company is looking at 10 different sites to explore in Colorado. We are focused on the Rio Grande Rift in Colorado for most of these first sites, as a large portion of the estimated 2 Gigawatts of hydrothermally extractable electricity, and a multiple of that in direct use heating and cooling opportunities is found along anomalies from the Rift.  Western Geothermal's Mt. Princeton site is the most researched and drill ready site in the state of all energy opportunities in Colorado. We welcome early investors into our holding company, which we recommend to high reward focused investors. 

Tax Equity Investors opportunity

Our first site offers an amazing opportunity for tax equity investors with tax liability on current funds, looking for a short to medium term investment with great returns, due to Federal and State tax credits and opportunity zone. We are preparing a Minnesota Flip for some or all of our first site, but the The Minnesota Flip business model was first developed in response to a unique combination of federal and local incentives for wind development. This structure has proven a successful model for equity investors interested in partnering in the development of green energy projects and take advantage of major tax benefits, and federal and state incentives, while providing Western Geothermal the economic benefits of asset ownership.